Monday 10 August 2015


Staying awake

counting mistakes in the dark.

Oh how it pained her.

The anger

boiling like hot acid

tearing through the pit of her stomach

surging through all her veins

She knows...

taking steps is easy

standing still is hard.

Yet the beast inside her

is caged.

Her eyes reflect it rattling the cage.

How it longs to unleash its fury

and roar at all of mankind.

The cruelty it had been subjected to.

The torture, painful and unforgettable.

The betrayal, sharp as its own claws.

Her fingers tremble with rage.

She stands in front of the mirror

holding scissors in her hands

and shingles her hair.

Calmly setting down the scissors

she stares at her reflection

with fire burning bright behind

her eyes.

Time to open the cage.

A sly smile runs across her face.