Saturday, 29 October 2011

So weird

Have you ever given a thought to what may be happening in the mind of a patient in comma?Or maybe when you  look at a newborn who has just opened its eyes for the very first time in this sweetly cruel world?What maybe going on in those 'grey cells' when one drifts off into the dark abyss of the so-called dreams? We just seem to take it for granted....all these 'weird' aspects of our daily life.Isnt there an appropriate explanation  for all this?
Its really amazing to see various creatures crawling around in the open, and if u have the observer's eye...u ought to be fascinated on those beautiful,intricate,complex yet amazing designs they have on their bodies.I mean these creatures are so small; we humans take pleasure in thinking of ourselves to be the most dominant creature on this planet..but when u look at those tiny little bugs crawling  around..its really amazing...I mean GOD has made them more beautiful than us,truly breathtaking!

Where does yesterday go?From where does tomorrow come and why the hell does it come?Do things just come and go like this?Innit it weird? Well i think it is.....m gonna do something to find some solutions to these mysterious queries of how the universe works?

I used to be an i say used to for quite a confounding reason.Things have changed since the past few years that has opened my eyes.... well not completely though.I have been so confused, and acting so muddled and lost and taking things for granted.
Then one fine day...maybe the sun rose in the west that day...i realized that the people i called as my friends wouldnt be there for me always, i realized that the kind protection i was getting wouldnt be there anymore, the sweet fun,laugh and mischievous things that i would do would have to be let go off! When these boulders started crushing my big head i started praying.I am not ashamed to say this as u may think i was an atheist then, but yes i prayed....i prayed to whom i what i dunno for what and why i dunno....but i just prayed! 
And boy was i surprised!!! Things worked out pretty fine.I was at ease with everything then, things seemed to be flowing smoothly!!! I was amazed at how this little thing called "FAITH" works. My best friend had recently gifted me 'The Holy Bible".I couldnt be more grateful to her than any other person...thats the best gift i ever got as of now!!!
If u didnt get the opportunity to read it, then i must say that its high time u run to a store and get a copy.I still havent finished it...m just reading the gospels...but they have quite a deep meaning!!! I wont go into details but here is nice extract from the Gospels of Luke ( I dont know the exact words, but the meaning remains the same):
A shepherd had a hundred sheep.One of them wandered off.So Jesus says that the shepherd would go looking for that one sheep leaving the rest 99 behind.Listen then if you have ears!

So i take leave now and let u ponder upon that little extract!!


Saturday, 1 October 2011

Goofed up!!!!

Ho ho!!! I dunno what to come up with!
currently nothing much has happened except that i won a quiz with the great Raj Kunkolienkar!!( a really gr8 guy)
Yeah except that nothing much!!! Though m missing my mum for some reason very desperately which leaves me in tears when in bed....but those just soak when i sleep.Ironically i have grown more lazy n not preparing for my school exams!!!
Gosh m such a lazy bum!! He he!!!
but now i wanna do things my way...i dont care what long as m answerable to myself n self satisfied....i think things should work out fine!!!
Well....m starting to have wider perspective of life n everything in it.Things should be fine for now.....but then i have those teenage blues in between which makes me question everything that m doing n feel that everything is futile.....i lyk to call it my period of "mental transition"!!! He he...i dunno what that means
just for fun.. I miss tom and jerry! LOL