Monday, 5 October 2015

Is she out of the woods yet?

She lay there
on the damp forest floor
curled up into a ball.
Hot tears rolling down her cheeks.
The sun was going down.
The darkness was surrounding her.
Leaves, rustling.
Wolves, howling.
Hyenas, laughing.
Mocking me probably, she thought.
She sat up straight.
The cold sent a shiver down her spine.
The tears went on for a while,
till none could flow.
She just sat there staring into nothingness.
All the memories
flooding before her eyes.
Oh how they laughed once upon a time.
Oh how they cried in each others arms.
Oh how they held each other through storms strong.
Alas it was all a lie.
Just smoke blowing in the winds
from a fire long doused out.
She felt numb.
Yet she felt cold.
She looked around.
Monsters surrounded her.
Some with fierce gaping mouths.
Some with sad drooping eyes.
She was scared.
Hungry. Alone. And cold.
She heard whispers behind her.
Turning around, she saw more monsters.
Adrenaline rising, she got up to her feet
and ran the other direction.
Ran in the dark.
Her feet tangled with something
and she tumbled to the ground.
She let out a scream.
Everything went silent.
Slowly she got up
and brushed off the mud
and ran again.
Ran away from the darkness.
Away from the creepy sounds.
Away from the fierce monsters.
She ran till she could run no more.
Panting she came to the shores
of a placid lake.
The night sky made it look eerie.
But that soothed her.
It started pouring.
But she didn't dare
run back into the woods.
She sat at the water edge
and let the rains soak her up.
She didn't know when she dozed off.
Come the sun, she realized
the monsters were only trees.
The whispers,wind and words.
And that she was in the clear.
Smiling she waded into the waters.

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