Friday 16 September 2011

heck of a thing

Ok so there are some kind of people who kinda get on my nerves. Eg some of my classmates who take extra classes and tryna show off in class and make me feel rather more insecure. Someone was actually surprised to know that I dont take tuitions and told me that other people would be more ahead of me! I mean seriously!?!
what is wrong with people?Isn't there any concept that lies beyond merit achievement? I mean it took Einstein years to give the world his "theory of relativity"; ironically he was a school dropout! And today these people expect us to learn the concepts within days that actually took years to be what it is today!!!! Could anything be more ridiculous than that? Added to the fact that when you go out there to face the society, people always tryna compare you to someone who has outperformed u. why cant anyone just appreciate someone for what they have done rather than fuss about what they haven't?
Secondly i dont understand the point in making us learn something that we dont like. I mean, you can live a long' peaceful and happy life without knowing the respiratory system of a cockroach or how some stupid fungus reproduces!!!! Seriously, its something worth to think about. why waste your energy when you could be doing something productive!?!
So back to those people who try to rote learn rather than understand the concept and apply.Due to our education system in India, rote learning is something that will actually take you ahead, probably till your 12th but then later in life when you actually go out there and face the real situation, wont you be the loser? If you can survive than your the fighter but then if can't ....what are you supposed to do? Keep whining about how unfair things are? Probably they are unfair at the person who can really understand things well but cant express, is treated as a failure in our system....but its opposite, turns out to be the star of that day (no wonder such people are fat, wonder what they do!)I mean this is totally unfair right?
Why then do we have so many students commiting suicide in IITs and 12th grades. is our system this horrendous?
Albert Einsten rightly said that education is that which one has forgotten what one has learnt in school.
Some one i know rightly also said that education provides everything but strength of mind.

So now this is what i was bumbling about.Do write in your views and opinions and also keep posting wateva's on ur mind!

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