Thursday 22 September 2011

Madam rides the bus

I dont know what connection i have with the local buses in my city.It may sound crazy but this thing is really intriguing.So one day I come from school and m listening to my i-pod with the ear phones plugged in my ears and its sorta raining.I enter the bus and find a seat empty next to this guy who was busy on his phone.I keep my wet umbrella on the rack above and tryna remove my ticket money from my bag and simultaneously change the song on my i-pod.So m in a kinda mess coz the umbrella above head is dripping over my head!( i know i sound so clumsy). So this guy finds me that m so stuffy and fidgety and asks me if m comfortable...i reply back saying yes.then d bus starts moving and this guy just asks me about the stop that the bus will make.I tell him that its the second stop.So thats all.this guys down t my stop and pays of my ticket.M lyk.'ok u paid good'(in ma mind).So not to be rude i just ask his turns out that he's from UK n come to visit his cousins in Goa.his name was Jovi diaz or something lyk dat.he asked me cell no.Since i didnt have any that time i cudnt give it to him.So he's lyk ok, r u on facebook i can add u.M lyk ok he trys to type my name in his cell but then he finds it too difficult i guess.Well thats all..i say i'll search him n add him.But then when i try  about a 100 results turn up n eventually i just gave up.

the thing that amazes me is not what happened.i dont know how to say it.i mean it was really something sweet done by this guy..something that no one did one in d sense people i dont know!
dat day was initially bad for me coz i was pissed at something.but this little incident actually made me feel better for that day.It actually potrays out how insignificant we are in a subtle manner.let me put it this way so that u understand wat m trying to say.

In a small place lyk where i stay...looking at it it looks that its just small n probably u'd know many people from there.but everyday when i travel by the same road n same route i always see new faces.this shows the vastness of the universe at a subtle scale.
its lyk the feeling u get when u climb a high peak n look down upon the panorama n realise how insignificant we are in comparison to the whole universe!!

Well if u didnt understand what i am blabbering about...den well i cant elaborate more coz at d moment m at loss  of words!!! So
Au revoir

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